Fragmentation of the landscape

My smartphone is failing, sometimes it or the memory, whatever destroy the media files, images, videos, even music. Instead of fight against it, I enjoy how it create some kind of random tech art.

Fragmentation of the landscape
Fragmentation of the landscape

Paranoia’s Landscape 00

Travel is messy thing when your mind is playing with you all the time, even the travel is a beautiful experience.
Travel is messy thing when your mind is playing with you all the time, even the travel is a beautiful experience.

Trabajos fotográficos – Photographic works

My first photographic interests was on structures and abstractionism, but right now (I due a lot of it to my friend Yuluts Yonda) I’ve been focused on portraits and body fragments like parts of a big puzzle.

Mis primeros intereses fotográficos se referían a estructuras y abstraccionismo, ahora (en gran parte debido a la influencia de mi amigo Yuluts Yonda) he estado enfocado en retratos y en partes del cuerpo vistas como piezas de un gran rompecabezas.